When it begins to search engine optimization everyone is an expert. You’ll hear a lot of advice from every direction. All information are helpful, and you get more tips from them.

The problem is that:

Google’s obscurity of results will not allow you to examine things out to know what is working in real-time. And when you make some search engine optimization mistakes, it might not be superficial right away.

Driving traffic to a website and making money online is easy. All need is SEO. So, think how hard can be it?

Very Hard!

SEO is a big community and has many parts that essential to bring into line to produce results that staff.

There are a lot of online courses, blogs, and tutorials that all have contradictory information. So, the question is that how do you believe?

What sources give a trustworthy source of information for those people who want to learn about SEO or how to do good SEO?

The correct answer is:

We all know there is not a roadmap for SEO that everyone follows. It tough to gets a full knowledge and understanding of search engine optimization what techniques work and what create trouble.

But you can get bits and pieces of SEO information on the base of your niche, goals, and competition and create a strategy later on you can use it.

I’ll invent some blog strategies that work well, and most of the newbie’s blog owners make. So, let’s scroll down and find some common SEO mistakes newbies need to avoid.

If you’re Noobs and don’t have the knowledge or information of search engine optimization rules and regulations, then you must avoid these SEO mistakes, and you will get better results.

Some Common SEO Mistakes Newbies Need to Avoid

1- Overlook the Importance of Content

I know most of the noobs blogger don’t pay attention to content or focused on keyword or topic. When you go off to cover many topics within one post, then your chances for relevancy reduce.

Because someone of newbies SEO experts will do that more links containing a keyword as newscaster content will have the excellent chance of ranking for that particular keyword. If your content is not defeated the chance of getting hit by Google is confirmed.

Typically, Google’s aim is to show the most relevant results on its search engine results page in the quickest manner possible. So, the only way to create relevant content is to select the highly targeted one particular keyword or topic.

Always Google tries to help the user answer to their question and shows the more informative and most-trusted answer on its first page results. If you want Google open your content into the first page, then you must stay on-topic and keep your article focused on the highly relevant keyword.

Read About: How to Make your Blog A Content Marketing Success

2- Focused on Keywords

In the SEO point of views, keywords are ranking factors, so a potential keyword will be able to help your site get listed. Most of the SEO newbies will be confused which keywords are right once.

When you are confused, just imagine yourself as a reader and think what you will type on Google search engine bar when you are looking for something.

If you are taking keywords lightly feeling and hope it wouldn’t affect your site ranking, so you are wrong. I experienced, and my site ranking dropped.

Be careful and don’t make this mistake. No matter what any person tells you, you don’t want to content to come across as unusual or compulsory by filling in keywords everywhere, not in the content and image “alt and tags.”

Google uses LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) technology to determine the similarities in phrases used. Due to this, you make it focus keyword but don’t use the same word again and again in the content stuff.

Read About: Best Free Keyword Research Tools

3- Duplicate or Thin Content

A huge search engine optimization mistake that people mostly make it is to create duplicate content. Thin content doesn’t rank very well.

When you don’t take the time to describe your topic in detail, or you leave some essential elements of the subject or not adding external links to help validate your points, it thinks that content less relevant to the topic.

If you want your site comes on the first page of Google SERPs, your content must be opposite to the thin content.

According to the study of serpIQ:

“It was determined that average high-ranking content on the first page of Google’s SERPs landed between 2200 – 2400 words.”

I know – that long.

It doesn’t mean that every single post has 2000+ words, but it will not reduce your chances of high ranking too. But other SEO factors play the major role so avoid as long as you spend more time with content writing.

Duplicate content is a big mistake in the SEO industry. Never write duplicate content – ever. Always write unique, insightful content that adds value to the other lives. You can add, quote, course and take passages from other websites. But be sure to add your source and provide relevant links when you do so.

4- Grammar or Spelling Mistakes

Spelling mistakes and Grammar errors that incline to harass a large percentage of content on the website. These errors make solid content understanding and put off people by compelling them to direct away from the site.

Bear in mind anything that decreases the user’s experience will rank lower on Google’s SEPRs. If anyone deals with loads of errors and grammar problems, it most surely is going to lessen their user skill. Take more and more time check your work.

WordPress will help you to highlight the spelling errors with a red line, but it can’t easily catch your grammar mistakes if you write content in Microsoft Word document.

For grammar issues and their solution, you use Grammarly – it is an app that helps you to resolve your issues.

5- Assuming Quantity is More Important than Quality

Today, it is quality over quantity. In the past few years, quantity wins over quality but now the time has dramatically changed, and you need to focus on quality.

The whole SEO techniques have shifted in this direction. A few years ago there were multi-hundreds of directory proposal sites that everyone would use to build name/address/phone number links for local SEO, but now you shape directory links to the original manuals that people use, like Yellow and White Pages.

6- Non-Mobile-Friendly Website

In the future, the website doesn’t quite have a form-factor as of nevertheless. As smartphone is going to popular, the screen sizes decrease and become more regular. Naturally, the importance of a non-desktop browsing experience will increase, and Google knows that and has a favorite mobile friendly website.

Google is very interested in the mobile practice since it is becoming popular in searches. As time is running out, mobile search users are increasing that’s why Google is giving more credibility to mobile-friendly websites and search.

If you are using WordPress system for site development, guarantee that your mobile disposed of is on point. You can test your site from the mobile browser by using Inspect feature on Firefox or Chrome. Simply right-click anywhere on the screen at the browser and select “Inspect.” And click the mobile-and-table icon.

After this, you will be capable of browsing the site and imitate the mobile capability openly from the desktop. If you are doing development yourself, making it a bit calmer to debug issues.

Read About: 15 Best Responsive Shopify Themes

7- Slow Site Speed

Website speed is a real deal and has very importance in the Google platform. If your site speed is slow, it decreases the user’s experience and if your site is diminishing the user’s experience, then your site dropping the rising rank on Google’s SERPs.

Your site speed can be affected due to these elements:

  • High-quality or over-sized images
  • Non-minified CSS and JavaScript files
  • Ads or third party libraries
  • G-Zip compression
  • Letdown to practice some form of caching

Immediately, test your site speed by using Google’s Page Speed Insights Tool and gain recommendations and visions into improving its speed.

Take the time to go through each of the references and improve your site’s speed plus performance to the best. Don’t to consume over hitting the 100-point mark, but try to do your best.

As you see, lots of common mistakes which we are doing that can slow down our SEO and concession all of your hard work and money consumed. If you know all things before you start, you will stand a much better.

It is vital you know that SEO doesn’t happen overnight and you are never safe from the competitor attack and penalty. I know you are worried about how you can increase your traffic. You can solve your problem by reading:

If you have any problem and want a solution, please post it in the comment box, and I’ll help you with the best answer.