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Welcome to WFI!

Complete information about What Future Is (WFI). WFI is World Wide Web site that was established in 2014. Hafiz Adnan Hussain is the founder of WFI. The primary goal of WFI is to provide unique, creative and accessible information related to making online money, get quality traffic and build a better site. Through WFI, you can earn money at that time when you’re sleeping.

My Story

As I completed my study than I was searching any business, which suits me and gives me more success and money, then I decided to establish a website business. Also, I tried to give unique and creative material of customers.

I’ve always had a passion for online earning sources. I always attempt to find the natural paths and ideas to make money by internet world. I was working on this topic “How to Make Online Money” until three years. After the hard working, I collect the-the ideas and make WFI.

WFI is that platform where you can find all necessary help about how to earn money in the internet world. WFI team will always teach you and give you more helpful information.

What had WFI Done?

WFI mission is to support all those people (who are man or woman) who have the desire to run their own business or want to see them as an entrepreneur. WFI is an elevated platform where a person gets all information that they require to running the company.

If you’re developer and want to develop the website you can get all necessary information about website development. WFI is also given you a lot of tools, techniques, tips and tricks to get ranked higher and move toward on the first page on all the main search engines.

WFI goal is to create perceptive and pertinent content that you can put to work in your professional and personal life. If you’ve online business or have the desire to have one, then WFI is for you.

Hafiz Adnan Hussain

My name is Hafiz Adnan Hussain; I’m founder of Bittech Web Solutions as well as Co-founder of Wear and Cheer, web designer and developer, also works in web and mobile apps development, I develop mobiles apps for Android, iPhone and iOS platforms.

Having more than 13 years of experience in Information Technology field, I’ve already worked on more than 1000 different types of projects for small and big companies including, web designs, website, Android, iPhone, iOS and Desktop Application Software development.

I’m an expert of fault tracing and bug fixing that’s why I like to work on challenging projects, sometimes as a passion, I write some articles that I like to share with you guys, so I have written many articles more than 500 articles on different topics on many blogs and websites.

Nowadays I’m writing for Wear and Cheer and bittechwebsolutions in these two websites you’ll find my latest articles on the top mythology of the World and website design and development topics.