Hi. I’m here. In the interests of a transparency website for the purpose of helping you start a blog and grow it faster.
I’m disclosing that I’ve included various products and links on this site is affiliated links. Affiliate marketing is a widely used practice and some of the biggest brands on the earth use it. I will earn an affiliate fee for any buyers you make because everybody has need of money for the smooth running of life.
But WFI goal is to teach the people how they earn at that time when they are sleeping with the help of this income. Our experts always present and help them the people. Please understand my effort I’m doing this as a for-profit business, frankly, so should you with your site unless you’ve some charitable endeavor in mind.
Since it’s impossible to keep an updated list of all products links to as an affiliate, you should suppose that any links leading you to products are affiliate links that I’ll receive compensation from. My priority is that I promote those products that I’ve examined and honestly feel bring value to you. Examples would comprise the banners for Shopify, BigCommerce, 3scart, Magneto and 1shoppingcart.
WFI has no free products or services by the companies in exchange for mentioned above on the site. The only deliberation is in the appearance of affiliate commission.
If you’ve any confusion and question about the affiliation links or website you can contact us without any hesitation by using the contact page. It’s accessed from the menu above.
Enjoying and Good LUCK!